Humanistic Charity

In the pursuit of "True Love Humanities", GOLDIAN has never forgotten its social responsibilities. GOLDIAN has been telling its story of "True Love Humanities" by repaying and creating value for the society. In fact, the "G" in GOLDIAN means global, growth, and green. GOLDIAN understands that "True Love Humanities" could be meaningful only if it is committed to the future of the world, to the harmony between people and the society, and the sustainability of planet earth.

In 2014, GOLDIAN built Anna Chan Chennault Peace Royal Garden with a total building area of 40,000m2 in Shanghai. Ms. Anna Chan Chennault dedicated her inscription of the garden. In support of the environmental and green service initiatives of the city, the garden is now open to the public free of charge. The garden accommodates the only exhibition hall in Shanghai that shows the legendary lives of General Claire L. Chennault and Anna Chan Chennualt.